2022 training program for health professionals of the Temazcalli Institute of SLP

During the month of July of this year, Nibbot’s team gave the Li-rTMS induction workshop at the Temazcalli Institute – Prevention and Rehabilitation, where they seek to be at the forefront of treatment against addictions, as well as fighting depression in children. youth and adults, and anxiety.

We have the participation of Dr. Luis Eduardo López Rivas, Mtra. Martha Elsa Bermea Castro, Lic. Enf. Vicente del Ángel Cruz and the Psic. Graciela Guadalupe Bravo Ruiz, experts in the field of Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry.

The Temazcalli Institute is a leader in the prevention and rehabilitation of addictions, child and adolescent mental health, and eating disorders in the State of San Luis Potosí, Mexico. We appreciate your participation and dedication in the Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation training program.

The institute is located at Av. Fray Diego de la Magdalena 106, Los Álamos II, Aviación Industrial 1ra Secc, 78140 San Luis, S.L.P. First Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation treatment center with customer service in San Luis Potosí

*El contenido de este sitio se ofrece a título meramente informativo y educativo, y no debe tomarse como un consejo médico de ningún tipo. Ante cualquier duda de salud o síntomas de enfermedad consulte a su médico.

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