NIBBOT celebrates a new partnership with Pars Teb Novin (Iran)

In the month of May 2022, Nibbot continues to expand into new markets in new territories.

This is the case of the distribution contract that has been signed with Pars Teb Novin, an Iranian company that is one of the largest suppliers in the production of laboratory material and glassware for chemistry, medicine, physics, the food industry, painting, meteorology, water. and wastewater, oil, gas and petroleum, packaging, microbiology and education, and has been active for two decades.

One of its distinctive features is developing and expanding its activity to respond to all the laboratory needs of the different entities.

Pars Teb Novin is the agent and distributor for more than 30 well-known European and Asian companies. They develop consulting, training, service and maintenance activities, and each department works to satisfy its clients individually.

That is why Nibbot is pleased to sign the exclusive representation contract in Iran for 5 years.

*El contenido de este sitio se ofrece a título meramente informativo y educativo, y no debe tomarse como un consejo médico de ningún tipo. Ante cualquier duda de salud o síntomas de enfermedad consulte a su médico.

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