What is languor? The emotion between anxiety and depression

With the arrival of the coronavirus, mental health problems have become one more pandemic to be solved. According to a report prepared by the consultancy Ipsos, Mexico is the fourth country in Latin America in which mental health worsened the most in a pandemic. 43% of its citizens consider that their emotional health has deteriorated since the health crisis began.

But within the entire range of emotions that the pandemic has brought, without a doubt the emotion that has stood out has been that of languor, which is located at a midpoint between anxiety and depression, where people perceive a feeling of stagnation. and empty

Languor is a state of demotivation, where people feel that time is escaping from their hands as if it were an aimless train and their productivity decreases due to the uncertainty generated by the current context”

How to face languor?

To combat this emotion, about which little is said and that many may be facing in Mexico, the following is recommended:

Understanding that our behavior is changing and the result is not being favorable, which could get worse. This is the first step to increase the probability of making decisions that are aimed at giving greater meaning and value to our lives.

Respect the working hours. During the pandemic, we have been disrespecting our free time and staying at work activities late into the night. Therefore, it is key to put an end to this and allocate a specific time to work on the problems.

Prepare a schedule of daily activities in which both work and leisure activities are programmed. If we have already established a time for work, it is also important to define one for leisure activities, such as exercising, painting, reading a book or cooking a recipe.

Maintain actions that strengthen family and social ties, despite the limitations we have. In these moments, in which physical contact is almost impossible, it is essential to establish communication with the significant people in our lives. A call or a message can elevate our mood.

What is the effect on health?

As a result of this condition, people begin to manifest memory problems, difficulty concentrating and learning, trouble falling asleep, and sudden mood swings.

Neurorelaxation with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

Neurorelaxation, or treatment to induce a resting effect or neuronal inhibition, consists of a proven technique of transcranial magnetic stimulation, applied in order to generate an inhibitory effect on the patient’s habitual activity links. This protocol establishes 10 treatment sessions of 35 minutes for 2 weeks. Its effects are reported to improve rest, concentration capacity and control of emotions in regular and unforeseen circumstances.

*El contenido de este sitio se ofrece a título meramente informativo y educativo, y no debe tomarse como un consejo médico de ningún tipo. Ante cualquier duda de salud o síntomas de enfermedad consulte a su médico.

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