Webinar July 03 – Application of the NIBBOT device in patients with ADHD

Several brain neuroimaging studies have detected that there are several specific brain regions in children with ADHD. Alterations have been described in:

How does ADHD affect?

The studies carried out indicate that ADHD causes problems in the regulatory circuits that communicate two brain areas: the prefrontal cortex and the basal ganglia. These areas communicate through dopamine and norepinephrine. By having a deficient release of these neurotransmitters and a high level of their reuptake, altering neurotransmission, affecting attention, alertness, working memory, and executive control.

The decrease in synaptic metabolism of neurotransmitters produces the following consequences:

Decreases attention

Decreased ability to start and continue activities.

Impairs working memory (or short-term memory)

It makes it difficult to neutralize irrelevant stimuli.

Difficulty in the ability to block inappropriate responses

Difficulty planning complex activities.

makes organization difficult

Increase physical activity

Increases impulsivity

*El contenido de este sitio se ofrece a título meramente informativo y educativo, y no debe tomarse como un consejo médico de ningún tipo. Ante cualquier duda de salud o síntomas de enfermedad consulte a su médico.

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