Take your practice to the next level Start treating your patients with the latest technology. Clinical and equipment and equipment training NIBBOT TMS software 2 year warranty Clinical and equipment and equipment training NIBBOT TMS software 2 year warranty Acquisition payment plans You can finance your equipment, choose how many instalments you want to pay. Payment in Mexican Pesos Payment in U.S Dolars Pago Contado Pago Contado Pago 12 cuotas Pago 24 cuotas Pago 36 cuotas Pago Contado Pago Contado Pago Contado Contact an adviser Want your equipment with express delivery? Reserve your equipment today with a minimum down payment and we will ship it to you within the next 10 working days in Mexico. Reserve your equipment with a down payment of $40.000.- Mexican pesos. Send us the proof of payment to the following email info@NIBBOT.com.mx Done! An advisor will contact you to coordinate the delivery. Bank details within Mexico NAME: NIBBOT INTERNATIONAL BANK: BANCOMER ACCOUNT NUMBER: 0112334941 INTERBANK CODE: 012711001123349416 International bank details ACCOUNT NUMBER: 0112334941 NAME: NIBBOT INTERNATIONAL SAS ADRESS: Dr. Gabriel Martinez 14, Rioverde, S.L.P. CP 79610, Mexico. SWIFT CODE: BCMRMXMMPYM (012711001123349416) BANK NAME: BBVA BANCOMER CURRENCY: Mexican Peso Contact an adviser