NIBBOT as promoter of the ISEP Madrid Institute

On May 13, 2021, the work and collaboration agreement was signed between the ISEP Institute (Higher Institute of Psychological Studies) – ISEP CIF B-61254314, and NIBBOT INTERNATIONAL, focused on dissemination, professional preparation and research in the field of Transcranial Magnetic Neurostimulation.

This agreement will generate benefits for both institutions since research programs focused on aspects of neurodevelopment, such as ADHD, will be offered. Likewise, study and preparation scholarships will be offered to specialists certified by NIBBOT, for their continuous preparation and specialization at ISEP Barcelona.

Among the main benefits of the agreement were established:

Collaboration in research projects.

Participation in continuous training programs


Joint publications

If you are a NIBBOT client and require more information on how you can benefit from this new commercial agreement, you can contact us at 55-8842-7884 or by email at

*El contenido de este sitio se ofrece a título meramente informativo y educativo, y no debe tomarse como un consejo médico de ningún tipo. Ante cualquier duda de salud o síntomas de enfermedad consulte a su médico.

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